Faust: Stream Processing for Python

Published Sun Mar 14 2021

Faust is a stream processing library, porting the ideas from Kafka Streams to Python.

It is used at Robinhood to build high performance distributed systems and real-time data pipelines that process billions of events every day.

Faust provides both stream processing and event processing, sharing similarity with tools such as Kafka Streams, Apache Spark/Storm/Samza/Flink,

It does not use a DSL, it’s just Python! This means you can use all your favorite Python libraries when stream processing: NumPy, PyTorch, Pandas, NLTK, Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, ++

Faust requires Python 3.6 or later for the new async/await syntax, and variable type annotations.

Have a look: Faust:Stream processing for python

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