Human Face Recognition

Published Sun Mar 14 2021

Hello all, This post is continue of what we saw in earlier post of human face detection. I have used a pre-configured docker image that has everything installed.

docker pull bamos/openface docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 -t -i bamos/openface /bin/bash cd /root/openface

Step-1 Make a folder called ./training-images/ inside the openface folder.

mkdir training-images

Step-2 Make a subfolder for each person you want to recognize. For example:

mkdir ./training-images/will-ferrell/ mkdir ./training-images/chad-smith/ mkdir ./training-images/jimmy-fallon/

Step-3 Copy all your images of each person into the correct sub-folders. Make sure only one face appears in each image. There’s no need to crop the image around the face. OpenFace will do that automatically.

Step-4 Run the openface scripts from inside the openface root directory:

First, do pose detection and alignment:

./util/align-dlib.py ./training-images/ align outerEyesAndNose ./aligned-images/ –size 96

This will create a new ./aligned-images/ subfolder with a cropped and aligned version of each of your test images.

Second, generate the representations from the aligned images:

./batch-represent/main.lua -outDir ./generated-embeddings/ -data ./aligned-images/

After you run this, the ./generated-embeddings/ sub-folder will contain a csv file with the embeddings for each image.

Third, train your face detection model:

./demos/classifier.py train ./generated-embeddings/

This will generate a new file called ./generated-embeddings/classifier.pkl. This file has the SVM model you’ll use to recognize new faces.

At this point, you should have a working face recognizer!

Step-5 Recognizes Face!

Get a new picture with an unknown face. Pass it to the classifier script like this:

./demos/classifier.py infer ./generated-embeddings/classifier.pkl yourtestimage.jpg

You should get a prediction that looks like this:

=== /test-images/will-ferrel-1.jpg === Predict will-ferrell with 0.73 confidence.

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