Useful Applications of Data Mining

Published Sun Mar 14 2021

Data Mining is primarily used today by companies with a strong consumer focus — retail, financial, communication, and marketing organizations, to “drill down” into their transactional data and determine pricing, customer preferences and product positioning, impact on sales, customer satisfaction and corporate profits. With data mining, a retailer can use point-of-sale records of customer purchases to develop products and promotions to appeal to specific customer segments.

Here is the list of 14 other important areas where data mining is widely used:

  • Future Healthcare

Data mining holds great potential to improve health systems. It uses data and analytics to identify best practices that improve care and reduce costs. Researchers use data mining approaches like multi-dimensional databases, machine learning, soft computing, data visualization and statistics. Mining can be used to predict the volume of patients in every category. Processes are developed that make sure that the patients receive appropriate care at the right place and at the right time. Data mining can also help healthcare insurers to detect fraud and abuse.

  • Market Basket Analysis

Market basket analysis is a modelling technique based upon a theory that if you buy a certain group of items you are more likely to buy another group of items. This technique may allow the retailer to understand the purchase behaviour of a buyer. This information may help the retailer to know the buyer’s needs and change the store’s layout accordingly. Using differential analysis comparison of results between different stores, between customers in different demographic groups can be done.

  • Education

There is a new emerging field, called Educational Data Mining, concerns with developing methods that discover knowledge from data originating from educational Environments. The goals of EDM are identified as predicting students’ future learning behaviour, studying the effects of educational support, and advancing scientific knowledge about learning. Data mining can be used by an institution to take accurate decisions and also to predict the results of the student. With the results the institution can focus on what to teach and how to teach. Learning pattern of the students can be captured and used to develop techniques to teach them.

  • Manufacturing Engineering

Knowledge is the best asset a manufacturing enterprise would possess. Data mining tools can be very useful to discover patterns in complex manufacturing process. Data mining can be used in system-level designing to extract the relationships between product architecture, product portfolio, and customer needs data. It can also be used to predict the product development span time, cost, and dependencies among other tasks.

  • CRM

Customer Relationship Management is all about acquiring and retaining customers, also improving customers’ loyalty and implementing customer focused strategies. To maintain a proper relationship with a customer a business need to collect data and analyse the information. This is where data mining plays its part. With data mining technologies the collected data can be used for analysis. Instead of being confused where to focus to retain customer, the seekers for the solution get filtered results.

  • Fraud Detection

Billions of dollars have been lost to the action of frauds. Traditional methods of fraud detection are time consuming and complex. Data mining aids in providing meaningful patterns and turning data into information. Any information that is valid and useful is knowledge. A perfect fraud detection system should protect information of all the users. A supervised method includes collection of sample records. These records are classified fraudulent or non-fraudulent. A model is built using this data and the algorithm is made to identify whether the record is fraudulent or not.

  • Intrution Detection

Any action that will compromise the integrity and confidentiality of a resource is an intrusion. The defensive measures to avoid an intrusion includes user authentication, avoid programming errors, and information protection. Data mining can help improve intrusion detection by adding a level of focus to anomaly detection. It helps an analyst to distinguish an activity from common everyday network activity. Data mining also helps extract data which is more relevant to the problem.

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